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honey with cinnamon 300g

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Cinnamon and honey mixture treats inflammation and joint pain by mixing honey with slightly hot water, then adding a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, then paint the inflammation area and massage it lightly.

Prevents hair loss: Cinnamon and honey mixture is placed on the head immediately after adding warm olive oil to it.

Reduces cholesterol in the blood: The mixture of cinnamon and honey is important in reducing cholesterol in the blood.

Treats cold: A mixture of honey and cinnamon is very important for treating colds, coughs, and colds, especially in the winter.

Treats toothache: A mixture of honey and cinnamon greatly relieves toothache, by putting a little of the mixture in the place of the pain.

Relieves stomach pain and expels gases from the colon.

strengthens the body's immune system; Because it contains large amounts of vitamins and iron.

It treats infertility, because honey enhances sperm in men.

Treats allergies of all kinds.

Useful for dieting and slimming; It prevents the accumulation of high-calorie fats, provided that it is used regularly, on an empty stomach.

Delays aging, keeps the skin soft and smooth.

Treats cough in children and adults.

Eliminates bad breath.

Treats infections of the bladder and urinary system.

Eating a mixture of honey and cinnamon relieves any neurological disease.

Helps prevent stomach and bone cancer.

fights heart disease; This is due to the antioxidant properties in honey; They prevent oxidation caused by free radicals in the body.

Raises the energy levels needed for the body.

fights fatigue; Because it contains sugar that provides the body with energy.

Hearing strengthens.

Treats shortness of breath.

Fights skin infections, such as eczema.

treats the flu; Because it contains anti-bacterial substances that cause influenza.

Helps the skin in eliminating pimples.

Relieves menstrual pain in women.


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